F) Un100
A) In40
S) Sh-X150
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) In40
P) Am50
Health: 390 Karma: 120
Resources: Fe Pop: -50
Known Powers:
Viltrumite Physiology: Conquest is a Viltrumite whose very body gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Resistance to Heat, Fire and Cold: Un
-Self-Sustenance: Able to survive in the vacuum of space. Conquest can travel through space for extended periods of time without air or food.
-Flight: Sh-Z speeds. He can extend his protective aura around those he is carrying, so they are not burned and are still able to breath.
-Longevity: Conquest's lifespan covers thousands of years. The older he gets, the slower he ages.
-Hyper-Speed: Mn, Conquest may perform the following:
--Make up to 3 combat actions per round.
--Substitute for Intuition for Initiative
--Reach maximum flight or ground speed in one round and has no penalties making high speed maneuvers or starting or stopping suddenly.
-Heightened Hearing: Un, Conquest can "turn off" this sense and does not suffer penalties when attacked by sound.
-Knife Hand: Conquest has mastered the ability to use his hands as if they were sharp edged weapons, inflicting up to Sh-X Edge
Bionic Right Arm: Un material, Conquest's arm has been replaced with a bionic arm.
Talents: All Martial Arts, Military
Contacts: Viltrumites